I am Learning.
I am Growing.

I am Jaipuria

About Us

Jaipuria History K-12 ICSE school in Lucknow


Long ago in 1945, Jaipuria started its journey in education with the establishment of Jaipuria College in Calcutta (now Kolkata). It is this unique heritage spanning 7 decades and 4 generations that sets apart Seth M.R. Jaipuria Schools from other educational institutes.

The journey continued with the establishment of its first K-12 ICSE school in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in 1992, which was followed by 4 management institutes in Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur, and Indore.

Since 2014, the journey scaled up to higher peaks. Seth M.R. Jaipuria School has witnessed exponential growth with 60+ CBSE schools across 51 cities. and is ambitious to reach 75 schools by 2025.

The city of Gwalior, is renowned for its abundant historical and cultural legacy, but it also stands out as a major educational destination. Located in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior has emerged as a dynamic education hub for a diverse population. Seth M. R. Jaipuria School's has gained widespread recognition within Gwalior's educational landscape. This esteemed institution is poised to cater to the city's need for a progressive and top-notch K-12 education provider. With its ever-growing population and a strong desire for quality education, Gwalior, like many other urban and semi-urban areas, has witnessed a surge in demand for quality schooling. Against this backdrop, Seth M. R. Jaipuria School's, with its prestigious track record in the field of education, is poised to meet the needs of the city. Gwalior is a city bustling with both historical charm and contemporary progress. Among its many esteemed educational establishments, Seth M. R. Jaipuria School's stands out as a powerhouse poised to leave a lasting mark. With a strong dedication to excellence and a history of success, this new branch in Gwalior promises to be a valuable asset to the city's academic scene, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow for its students.



It is said that a leader is born with the birth of every child. The only need is to provide an enabling environment, careful nurturing and effective use of their unbound talents. At the school, our philosophy is to reduce pressure and carefully nurture the student’s hopes and desires while boosting self-es teem. We believe we all have the capacity to improve and learn. Children develop this capacity at different rates. And just like a potter molds clay, constant encouragement, immense hard work and love can mold students into future leaders. Students at our school will not compete with each other, but with themselves by constantly raising their expectations and achievements. This will not only make them self driven but also sensitive and empathetic to other's failures and emotions. True learning comes through igniting the curiosity of each child and by guiding till they are free from fear of failures. We seek to groom future leaders and ensure that each one is physically sound, mentally capable and emotionally secure to face challenges of life. We are but a guiding medium on their way to greatness ensuring they are not led astray.

Mr. Amit Dubey

Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Gwalior


Sustainability, Possibility, Integrity, Collaboration & Empathy

SPICE - Sustainability

Value 1: Sustainability

Sustainability: Knowing, respecting, complying declared policies and practices to protect environmental norms for larger public welfare. (e.g. no plastic, smoke-free, paperless workplace)

Level 1: Does not demonstrate behavior for adhering to organizational norms to protect environment; rarely demonstrates desirable behavior for public good and welfare;

Level 2: Sometimes demonstrates behavior reflecting adherence of organizational norms to protect environment, demonstrates desirable behavior for public good and welfare often;

Level 3: Mostly demonstrates behavior reflecting adherence of organizational norms to protect environment, and mostly demonstrates desirable behavior for public good and welfare;

Level 4: Always demonstrates behavior for adhering to organizational norms to protect environment, demonstrates adequate knowledge of policies and organizational norms, always demonstrates desirable behavior for welfare; leads and guides others for compliance.

Level 5: Knows, thinks and behaves like a role model for others.

SPICE - Possibility

Value 2: Possibility

Possibility: Belief and behavior of optimism, openness to new ideas and experiences, trying new and innovative ways to do things, commitment for individual & team goal achievement with never-say- die attitude. Persistence & Passion.

Level 1: Inadequate demonstration of efforts to explore new ideas and absence of never-say-die attitude. Does not make efforts towards new experiences.

Level 2: Often demonstrates efforts to know and learn new things and sometimes demonstrates never-say-die attitude for achieving goals. Sometimes show openness to new experiences.

Level 3: Mostly demonstrates efforts to know and learn new things and never-say-die attitude, persistence and passion for achieving goals. Oftentimes demonstrates consistent pattern for exploring new experience.

Level 4: Always demonstrate efforts to know and learn new things and never-say-die attitude for achieving goals. He/she has a habit for exploring new experience. Regularly demonstrates persistence and passion.

Level 5: Knows, thinks and behaves like a role model for others in the field of optimism, possibility, persistence and passion.

SPICE - Integrity

Value 3: Integrity

Integrity: Adherence to moral values, team vision & mission & demonstration of the team code of conduct. Honesty, transparency and behavioral consistency in variety of situations.

Level 1: Does not adhere to declared values, team vision and mission, team goals and rules in the organization.

Level 2: Core values is somewhat evident in the behavior, sometimes demonstrate adherence to team goals, rules and norms.

Level 3: Core values of organization are mostly evident in the behavior, and demonstrates adherence to the individual & team goals, rules and norms in workplace more often.

Level 4: Core values of organizations evident in behavior and always demonstrate adherence to the goals, norms and rules of organization. Honesty and transparency in the conduct are regularly visible.

Level 5: Knows, thinks and behaves like a role model for others in the field of team vision, mission and values. Acts like an ambassador of honesty and transparency.

SPICE - Collaboration

Value 4: Collaboration

Collaboration: Working together, sharing, cooperation, coordination, synergy, organization over teams, and team over individual mindset and behavior.

Level 1: Works in isolation, demonstrates inadequate concern for team and organization interest. Lacks significantly in sharing ideas/resources, coordination and cooperation with other individual and teams.

Level 2: Shares, cooperates and synergizes with other team members sometimes, demonstrates primacy of team work once in a while.

Level 3: Regularly shares resources and ideas with others and takes initiative to help in task achievement of other group members

Level 4: Shares & gives personal support and ideas all the time, helps and contributes every time in team task achievement without over concern for individual/self-targets.

Level 5: Guides, mentors and facilitates quality collaborative initiatives amongst individuals, team and all stakeholders within and outside the organization.

SPICE - Empathy

Value 5: Empathy

Empathy: Understanding and imaginatively entering into the world of others thoughts manifesting into listening & acceptance, affinity, warmth and compassion.

Level 1: Does not listen to team members and other stakeholders in workplace and singularly refuses to accept others point of view and respect them.

Level 2: Occasionally appreciates and listens to higher in authority and selected few peers and sometimes accept others point of view, understand their situation and respect them.

Level 3: Mostly respectful to others (including those at lower rungs in power hierarchy) thoughts, ideas and situation and largely accepts their point of view if not completely contrary to his/her own viewpoint. Shows & builds affinity & warmth with others.

Level 4: Always listens and reflects on others opinion in the workplace and accepts others point of view even if they are opposite to his/her own opinion. Demonstrates personal warmth and affinity to others world view without compromising truth and larger team objectives.

Level 5: Provides safe and secured emotional space to others to appropriately agree, disagree, open up, becoming vulnerable for larger public and personal good. Nurtures acceptance, tranquility and calmness 360*.

Why Jaipuria School

Key Facilities

A Meticulously crafted premium school exclusively for 250 students at Sachin Tendulkar Marg, City Centre Gwalior.

"A separate K-12 campus is also coming soon."
Why Jaipuria School - Individual Attention

Premium Facilities

Our fully air-conditioned building provides comfort for learning and recreational activities throughout the year


Personalized Attention

With our 1:15 teacher to student ratio and 1:250 principal to student ratio, we provide individual focus and mentorship.


Parent Partnership

We have created a पथShala 1.0 Forum to engage parents, discuss child psychology and development, and align on parenting approaches.
Key Features:
- National & international speakers.
- Insight into child psychology.
- Importance of nutrition for mother & child.
- Tips for digital, mental, emotional Wellbeing.
- Tips to handle challenges of adolescence.
- Awareness of good touch & bad touch.


Holistic Learning

Our curriculum and co-curriculars nurture academic excellence, life skills, values, and all-round development. We focus on the whole child.


21st Century Skills

Our students develop critical life competencies like creativity, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, etc through our purpose-built activity rooms.


Safety and Care

We utilize high-end CCTV monitoring and a fully staffed infirmary providing round-the-clock care and attention to each child's wellbeing.


Recreational and Co-Curricular

Our lavish playground and activity rooms offer opportunities for recreation, skill-building, and talent exploration in arts, music, dance and more.


Global Standards

Our interior, furniture and facilities are designed in collaboration with renowned architects to provide an inspiring world-class environment.